
You never know what’ll happen over a weekend. I was occupied like most other folks with a variety of things that kept me away from other things. One of those other things I was kept away from by some of the things that kept me away from them was one of the things that, at many points in the recent weeks, has kept me away from an inordinate number of other things that, normally, I’m not so far away from. But what’s “normal,” anyway? Abnormal is the new normal, maybe. Anyway, what I’m not getting at but would like to get at (and had better get at if I know what’s good for me), is the blog project.

So what I started to try to say was that I came back to my computer this evening and checked on my students’ blogs and was dazzled to find some splendid cyber-artifacts that certain students – for who knows why – created over the weekend. Needless to say, but I will anyway, I’m impressed these happened. So I’ll share a couple with y’all:

Screen Shot 2012-12-16 at 9.17.50 PMMitch’s paean to comedy icon Will Ferrell. (Look up “paean,” Mitch.) A veritable tour de force by Mitch, certainly in his element as a wordsmith or ideaforger. Nice work, and a pleasure to stroll down memory lane with the party getting started with just the right amount of cow bell.

Screen Shot 2012-12-16 at 9.25.13 PMJesse’s story about the start of the Titan boys’ basketball season, with some inside scooping of the young team’s challenges and potential. Nice use of photos and some reflective comments on what it’s like to be on a team that usually faces much tougher, older, and bigger opponents.

Screen Shot 2012-12-16 at 9.30.03 PMBret’s visually striking and textually fascinating account of a strange – for these parts, anyway – role model. For those who know Bret, he’s got a one-tank mind (as in fish tank), and this post (as well as his blog as a whole) sheds lots of light on this young man’s obsession. A very good read, indeed.

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